Welcome to the Chain Reaction Disc Golf Course Design page.
We would love to be your disc golf course designers. Contact Us for information.
We Designed Fedd Fairways At Life Austin Church

Fedd Fairways at Life Austin
In 2013, Chain Reaction Disc Golf Course design was chosen to plan and install Fedd Fairways at the beautiful Life Austin Church in Southwest Austin, TX. Fedd Fairway's 9-Hole Course is short and technical, and features gorgeous Innova DISCatcher Pro 28 Targets, CRDG's Ace Tee-Signs, our Course Map9, and Rules Deluxe Sign.

Open To The Public Daily!
Fedd Fairways at Life Austin Church is open daily from 7:00 am to Sun-down and the public is welcome to play the course.

Disc Golf Course Design
Course Design Philosophy
Whether you hire CRDG or someone else to design your course - make sure they're someone who knows what they're doing! There is much more to making a Great Disc Golf Course than a bunch of Ace-Runs and Who-can-Throw-the-Farthest Holes. We take the time to make a great disc golf course that is fun, safe, and environmentally sound.
Go Professional
CRDG's [Professional Disc Golf Course Designer] Joel Kelly has designed, re-designed, or consulted on the design of dozen of courses and can design you an amazing course that's safe and challenging. Your course will be FRIENDLY on the environment and FUN and MEMORABLE! Joel has a LOVE for designing courses, and your course will have creative ideas that will make for a Better Disc Golf Experience!
Playing Experience
Designing Disc Golf Courses is unlike any other Profession, and it takes YEARS to become a master at all the nuances of the process. We believe you should PLAY lots of Disc Golf (many years) if you're going to DESIGN COURSES! You should also have competed at the High-Level and know quite a bit about Golf Discs and the Sport in general! Our Grand-Master Course Designers have competed on over 500 courses, and have been World Champions at the Highest Levels of the Sport!
Course Design Experience
Most of all, you need an EXPERIENCED COMPANY. CRDG started in 1995 by helping clubs, churches, private courses, and city parks with course design and maintenance. We've acquired over 20-years of knowledge about disc golf course design and we know what makes a great design. Best of all, CRDG knows what to AVOID!
Consult with CRDG
If you do decide to DIY - you may want to CONSULT with someone who has course design experience. Please Contact-Us before you proceed! CRDG will help you design a magnificent course and we guarantee EVERYONE will love it!
Tee-box, Tee-signs, & Targets
Private course owners, disc golf clubs, and City Parks & Rec. Departments please contact us for turn-key disc golf course info. We can quote you for a package complete with targets, tee-signs, course map & rules sign. And, if needed, we'll design and install everything from Hole #1's tee box to Hole #18's target - and everything in between.
Pinnacle Park Disc Golf Course
Chain Reaction Disc Golf designed and installed Pinnacle Park's 9-Hole disc golf course in 2006. At that time, we installed Par Tee-Signs, a Course Map9, and 9 DISCatcher Pro Targets. In 2014, we Re-designed Pinnacle Park Disc Golf Course for the City of Georgetown. At that time, Pinnacle Park's course was fitted with our stylish [NEW] Par Tee-Signs, and our updated Course Map9.